latest 6 messages by philipp64|work

+ [2016-06-07T22:08:17Z] philipp64|work oh, never mind. found it. ... step 3.
+ [2016-06-07T22:05:17Z] philipp64|work you'd think it would be something that was easily automated that could be done by a button-press on the website...
+ [2016-06-07T22:04:34Z] philipp64|work is there a help/faq page on github for that? I looked but didn't see anything.
+ [2016-06-07T22:03:16Z] philipp64|work so add it as a remote, and rebase to it? what are the steps? I'm used to stash doing this for me.
+ [2016-06-07T22:00:12Z] philipp64|work hi... dumb question... I've created my own fork of git, but it's not keeping up with upstream commits... how do I change that?